The Kinematic Subject

The Vehicular Experience of Speed and Automobility in Virtuality/Reality

In that the subject positioning can change due to different physiological and psychological effects, the subject experiences a series of dynamic points of view. These different perspectives allow a subject to view things from other aspects; leading to increased awareness and insight. This would result in an increase in personal development, which thus explains how the kinematic subject comes out of a flow experience stronger and with a greater sense of self being. Thus, the experience of speed becomes a desire for the self-improving power of automobility, and the consciousness alteration of ecstasy. In that this requires the immobility of vehicular experience, this perceived increase in subject power is diminished by the sedentariness of motility.

Why are home video games machines called consoles? In that simulations can create these affects of kinaesthesia, ecstasy and flow, the enjoyment of virtual travel then has a consoling affect, soothing the stress of reality. Consoles are the comforting kinematic motors of modern life. But, as Virilio declares:

Comfort is nothing more than a

subtle trap into which we fall with all our weight, the addiction to the comfort of artificial assistance is comparable to that of a narcotic, it deprives us of the physical realities of an actual body like those of the places transverssed. (Virilio, 1984: 55)

The comfort of video games, like that of the G-force triggered car seat, is based in the structured motility of the interface. Additionally, the bodily transformation of motility submits the subject to the power of the vehicular system, allowing the possibility of distant spatio-temporalities damaging the local spatio-temporality of the kinematic subject. Nevertheless, when the subject is in control of the distance between spatio-temporalities, as they are in automobility, they are in control of this possibility of spatio-temporality collision. In the case where they have no control, and the technology does not allow objective subject harm (when , it would be a major issue), the kinematic subject gets the illusion of control through the expertly designed event space. Either way (and excepting the possibility of technology failure: the crash), in the experience of speed, the kinematic subject exhibits total control of their life.