The Kinematic Subject

The Vehicular Experience of Speed and Automobility in Virtuality/Reality


This project is in the form of a website for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the centered, widescreen format is designed for high screen space usage, allowing for immersive perception, thus aiding in the quality of mediation.

Secondly, it allows the reader to interact with the vehicular media of the computer system, allowing the reader to realise that they themselves are already motile agents.

Lastly, the style and layout is designed such that no ‘true’ motion is experienced, unlike most other websites that include scrollbars that force the ‘surfer’ to consistently ‘fall’ downwards. Instead, the motion that is experienced is primarily that of navigation to and from pages, and secondarily that of the reader’s perception. For example, that of your moving eyes to read the stimuli of a stream of words that speed up the rate of spatial navigation or slow down the rate of spatial navigation. The objective lack of movement hopefully shall emphasise the motives of the imagery, examples, and textual ideas of this project.

There are many trajectories in which you may journey along. As you yourself are currently a kinematic subject, four methods of navigation have been provided, with the ability to switch from any method at any time.

Firstly, you may use the menu up the top to navigate to any and every page of the project. This is accessible at any time.

Secondly, as the topics of the kinematic subject are so complex and interrelated, there are also links within the text that bring to you other related areas of content.

Thirdly, there is a linear navigation function down the bottom right hand corner, which allows you to follow as logically as possible two predesigned trajectories through the project. By clicking ‘next’ the course continues in the ‘forward’ direction, and by clicking ‘back’ the direction reverses, rewinding and revealing previous ideas that lead to the current page. There may also be additional options given here. To clear the screen of text and show the background image, click ‘::’.

Lastly, you may print out a copy of the entire project as a reference document. This follows the predesigned trajectory, and is available here.

Please feel free to use any of these navigation methods whenever and wherever you feel necessary to navigate within my project to your next destination.

This project would not be as theoretically successful were it not for the help and guidance of my supervisor, Dr Patrick Crogan. Additional thanks goes to Victor, Eric and Scawen of LFS, and John.